
encourage & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times as their family grows and connects.

Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Going back to move forward

Once a year, I pack up my car with snacks, clothes, winter gear, pampering supplies, books, and my journal and head out to one of my favorite places on the face of the earth (or at least the earth that I’ve discovered so far in my 44 years)….Priest Lake, Idaho. I am certain that I could find peace and refreshment in any other location that feels like a piece of heaven, but Priest Lake seems almost always to be my go-to. The nature. The beauty. The smells. The memories.

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Nurturing healthy relationships

Did you know that we play a large role in how our kids view relationship? As they grow and develop their own sense of self and find themselves seeking relationship with others, what they saw modeled for them is the basis for what they view as “normal”. This is not just in how they see their parents in relationship, but also how we are in relationship with them. Is there mutual respect? Do we honor their opinion? Do they feel seen and heard? Do they feel safe expressing their emotions? Have they seen rupture and repair normalized?

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Parenting with Purpose: Changes start with you!

It starts with us. We cannot give our kids what we don’t have. If we don’t have the ability to regulate our body in the midst of stress, how can we model that for our kids? If we are not caring for our nervous system and moving towards a place of healing and wholeness, how can we lead our kids down that road? If we do not model mutual respect for our kids, how will they know that this is part of a healthy relationship?

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Rupture and Repair

No one is perfect. Normalize repair with your kids so that they learn that this is all part of healthy relationships.

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Help is on the way!

Sometimes there is more going on with our kids than we know. Sometimes it takes us asking for help from more than just the pediatrician. Parenting is hard. It’s okay to ask for help!

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Share the Power

Sharing power with our kids not only helps them in the moment, but also carries over into their adult relationships and how they parent their own children. Stop generational trauma in it’s tracks!

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Spoil your baby!

Leave the old school way of thinking in the past! We cannot spoil our babies and the more we meet their needs, the more they learn to trust us. Give your baby voice!

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Three components to healthy parenting

Although there is no perfect parent, we can be healthy parents using these three components. Our own emotional health is always first priority, but if we are in a good space and understand our triggers, then we can start working on the three components of healthy parenting.

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Parenting Styles

Let’s talk about understanding parenting styles. Not many know the four parenting styles, let alone what their parenting style is. So why do we care?

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Perfectly Imperfect

We all make mistakes. Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the social media trap of only putting our best out there to the world. Or to present as if we have it all together but really we are struggling. We have weak moments and raise our voice (aka yell). We have struggles that keep us from being our best selves. But did you know that rupture and repair actually helps our kids learn how to stay connected through tough moments?

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Melissa Pemberton Melissa Pemberton

Say Yes

In order for our kids to trust us, we need to fill their trust bank. One way to do that is to hear them when they are expressing a need. We don’t think about how often we say no until we are paying attention to it. Let’s take a look at why say yes…

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Start your journey

There is no wrong time to start your family on a journey towards health and wholeness. Not one of us is perfect and we are here to help when you are ready to take the next baby step in connected parenting.