Mending Families Podcast
Mending Families Podcast
Mending Families is hosted by Melissa Pemberton and she brings you weekly content that is a mix of trauma aware interviews, parenting tips for those caring for kids from adversity, and stories from people just like you as they share their beautiful messy moments.
Melissa hopes that when you listen each week, you will feel encouraged, inspired and take a little something away to help you and your family move from broken to mended.
To help keep the podcast going, consider becoming a monthly donor to help cover the costs!
Introducing Mending Families - Trailer
Are you in the trenches of parenting kids from adversity and trauma? Do you find yourself wondering why the "typical parenting strategies" are not working for your family? That those strategies seem to make matters worse? Are you a friend or family member of someone parenting kids from hard and you just don't know how to help? In fact, maybe you don't even fully understand why the struggle is so real for them? Are you a professional, teacher, therapist, social worker, or advocate that wants to better understand how trauma is effecting the kids you are working with? Then this podcast is for you...for all of you!
We all have kids in our lives who have (or are going to) experienced trauma and the reality is, trauma does affect child development, emotional regulation, brain development and so much more. So let's dig in to better understanding trauma. Let's have real talk about how hard it is to parent kids who have experienced trauma, especially if we are still doing our own healing of trauma. Let's not be afraid to talk about trauma, parenting and the healing journey we are all on! Remember, trauma awareness is important for our future generations and it starts with you!
Episode 79 - Mindful Monday
On today’s episode, Melissa brings you a new monthly series, Mindful Mondays. Because it is the month of love, today’s guided mindful meditation is called “Loving Kindness”. Find a comfy, quiet place and 10 minutes while Melissa guides you through a loving kindness exercise.
Episode 78 - Robyn Gutierrez
On today’s episode, Robyn talks about her healing journey and how she went from being a behavioral analyst to now a self-compassion coach on her path to being certified as a Reiki practitioner. She goes back to share about her childhood trauma, an unhealthy marriage, and how she got to where she is today. From hiring her own nutrition coach and career coach, to now coaching others using self-compassion, breathwork, energy, and Reiki she loves helping others find their way through healing.
Episode 77 - Angela Masciulli
In today’s episode, Angela talks about what brought her to find Reiki and energy healing and shares with the audience how she uses these tools to help others find healing. Angela opens up about her trauma history and how she continues to do her healing. She gives us some good insight into Reiki and helps direct the audience to find more tools for their journey.
Episode 75 - Allison Ezell
On today’s episode, Allison shared about her journey into sleep consulting and the services she offers to families dealing with sleep issues. She talks about understanding sleep pressure and sleep onset associations as a crucial part of addressing sleep issues in children. Allison believes trauma-informed approaches are essential, as typical sleep training methods may not be effective for children with trauma backgrounds and she gives us examples of why this is and how we can start making minor adjustments today. If you have a kiddo who struggles with sleep, this episode is for you! Enjoy!
Episode 74 - Erin Peterson
On today’s episode, Erin opens up about mental health struggles within her immediate family and how this came to a head this past year. Erin’s three boys all have their diagnosis and with their permission, Erin shares some of the hard and good about raising her three boys. Listen in as Erin gives us good things to consider, including encouragement for those of us on similar journeys.
Episode 72 - Madison Tyler
On today’s episode, Madison first talks about her foster and adoption journey and how she and her husband grew their family this way. She then shares her heart about helping families struggling with nutrition with their kids who have come from hard. Madison is an adoptive mom herself and she not only shares from her expertise, but also from her own experiences.
Episode 71 - Mondays with Melissa
On today’s episode, Melissa shares three tips to help our kids feel like they have some control over what goes on in their daily lives. We often see behaviors escalate when our kids feel like they have no power or control. Instead of getting frustrated, let’s take an approach of sharing power and giving them opportunities to have control. Enjoy!
Episode 70 - Tracey Yokas
In today’s episode, Tracey shares with us how creativity and using art helped her on her journey of healing. She also opens up about the hard parts of her story that led to her writing her first book with the hopes of inspiring others. Grief and loss, along with mental health conditions, are difficult to navigate and lead us to feel alone at times so Tracey’s memoir can lead to helping others find their healing.