Parenting Styles

Let’s talk about understanding parenting styles. Not many know the four parenting styles, let alone what their parenting style is. So why do we care? We care because there is definitely room for growth, especially in the area of parenting! The better we understand ourselves, the better we can provide healthy secure attachment with our children. Let’s start by looking at the four styles:

Authoritarian – High Structure, Low Nurture - strict, high expectations/unrealistic expectations, “because I said so”

Authoritative – High Structure, High Nurture - help  your child problem solve, connection first, choices, compromises “what do you need?”

Permissive – Low Structure, High Nurture – lacks routine/str passive, inconsistent, fun parent, low expectations

Neglectful – Low Structure, Low Nurture – little interest in child’s emotional health, lacks ability to handle difficult behavior, no involvement, does not meet basic needs

No matter which style you are, do your best to aim for high structure and high nature. If we have to offer structure to our kids, follow up with nurture. Stayed connected. Stay balanced.


Three components to healthy parenting


Perfectly Imperfect