Episode 24 - Mondays with Melissa
Topics Melissa mentions:
* Watch on YouTube - www.youtube.com/@mendingfamilies1594 to see all of the products and examples that Melissa shows in this episode
* Sensory stickers can be found HERE. You can also see all of my favorite sensory tools at my Amazon Storefront HERE
* Kids Yoga - we talk about this in episode 3 and episode 4 so you can relisten or find the show notes with all of the links HERE and HERE
* Paperpie books, but in particular, Yoga Animals at the Seashore and I Breathe can be helpful with teaching our kids about breathwork
* Sing with your kids! Sing throughout the day! Encourage your kids to sing! Look up the Laurie Berkner Band for ideas on playfully singing with your kids
* 5-4-3-2-1 mindful strategy…grab your visual handout HERE
* Feelings mirror game to help your child become more aware of their feelings and mindful of what their face looks like through various feelings
* Mindful Nature walk that gives your child specific items to find that feel, smell, and hear certain ways. Grab your Mindful Nature walk handout HERE
**Any links that take you to Amazon are products that Mending Families does receive a small commission for if you purchase**
Where to find Mending Families:
Instagram - @mendingfamilieswa
TikTok - @mendingfamilieswa
Facebook - @mendingfamilieswa
YouTube - www.youtube.com/@mendingfamilies1594